Unlock your potential savings with our free calculator. In under 3 minutes, see how revenue you're missing daily, monthly and yearly.
The average UK business will miss 4 inbound sales calls per day
1 in 5 missed sales calls will go unreturned
11.3% of all inbound sales calls will result in a sales conversion
A Zappie phone system means you'll never miss a call again through automated call reports.


Sales Opportunity Calculator

According to research, the average UK business will miss 4 inbound sales calls per day.

Your business is currently missing 0 calls per day.

Research shows that 1 in 5 missed calls will go unreturned.

Your business has sales calls per day that will go unreturned.

11.3% of all inbound sales calls will result in a sales conversion.

This represents missed opportunities per day for your business.

Please provide your contact details before we show you the results:

That means you’re losing:

£ per day

£ per month

£ per year

With Zappie’s VoIP phone service, every system comes equipped with a missed call report. Completely for free. Never miss a sales opportunity again.

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